LPCCD's Pilot Real Estate & Business Development Training Program

As part of LPCCD’s efforts to transform our neighborhood, block by block, we are offering hands-on training in the fundamentals of real estate development and business planning for entrepreneurial individuals with various levels of building renovation, rehabilitation and/or new construction experience.
We’re seeking people who want to help rebuild and strengthen Lincoln Park’s small-scale buildings (1-3 stories, work done with small crews by hand without major equipment) house by house and block by block. People who want to build a business, improve the neighborhood, generate income, and build local wealth.
This 11-week course is for people at various levels of experience—whether you want to be on a construction crew helping to rehab or build small-scale projects, have “side hustle” projects renovating and rehabbing a duplex, or want to become a full-time small developer with a number of projects.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
- Planning and management basics for your own business as a sole proprietor or small company
- Roles you can play in small-scale development and how to grow your current practice
- How your projects can build on the design principles of the traditional neighborhood
- Using a development budget to assess potential projects and rates of return
- What’s needed to obtain bank financing
- How to navigate local rules, regulations and requirements

Participants will learn through self-paced video study sessions (about 30-90 minutes each week) alternated with full-group Zoom calls for live presentations, discussion and Q&A.
You will need access to a computer, Zoom app, and cell phone to occasionally take and email photos.
Apply period is now closed.
A Conversation with Verizon Community Partnerships Initiative
with LPCCD
"Sustainable Communities Focus"

Lincoln Park Cultural Coast District is a proud community partner of Verizon. The Verizon Community Partnerships Initiative to celebrate Verizon-supported community organizations and highlight their important work. Mark Bocchieri, Verizon’s Director of State Government Affairs virtually sat down with our Executive Director Anthony Smith to discuss building sustainable communities, the importance of the arts ecosystem and how Lincoln Park was early in developing a Green Jobs Training Program with PSEG which graduated and placed 100 Newarkers in jobs, which helps breaks the cycle of generational poverty.
The Façade!
The City of Newark Landmarks and Historic Commission and the Newark Central Planning Board recently approved one of Lincoln Park Coast Cultural District’s most exciting projects: The Façade!

The Façade! will be the adaptable reuse of the South Park Calvary Presbyterian Church (SPCPC) façade located at 1033 Broad Street, Newark, NJ into an outdoor performance venue and urban farm. Built in 1855, Abraham Lincoln spoke on the steps of SPCPC in 1861 on his way to his first inauguration. Once the center of the abolitionist movement and racial integration in Newark, SPCPC became a “soup kitchen” before burning down in 1992—leaving only a striking eight-story high blue sandstone Greek Revival façade on a half-acre site. LPCCD is converting this ruin into a 615 person outdoor performance venue which will include a stage for musical performances and an urban farm with a greenhouse, hydroponics and aquaponics to source the concession-stand during performances and provide vegetables for locals. LPCCD wants the Façade! to become the center of emerging artist movement in Newark and the cultural revitalization efforts in the Lincoln Park Coast Cultural District.

LPCCD also wants the Façade! to participate in increasing healthy eating habits in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Through weekly curated spring, summer and fall music programming, the Façade! will showcase emerging local artist in the genres of hip-hop, house, gospel, jazz, rock, blues and neo-soul while simultaneously being a location during these performances for people who live, work or worship in the Lincoln Park community to pick up their community supported agriculture (CSA) food shares from the vegetables grown on site and recipes for preparing this food.
LPCCD plans on going into construction on the Façade! and will start scheduling future events and programs. If you are interested in performing at the Façade! or if you are interested in supporting the Façade! financially please email Anthony Smith at anthony@lpccd.org.