January 15, 2021
LPCCD’s Pilot Real Estate & Business Development Training Program
As part of LPCCD’s efforts to transform our neighborhood, block by block, we are offering hands-on training in the fundamentals of real estate development and business planning for entrepreneurial individuals with various levels of building renovation, rehabilitation and/or new construction experience.
January 14, 2021
Lincoln Park Sustainability Living Community Podcast
Lincoln Park Sustainable Living Community Podcast is the first by any arts/community development organization in the City of Newark founded and led by Black Indigenous People of Color since inception.
January 8, 2021
A Conversation with Verizon Community Partnerships Initiative
Lincoln Park Cultural Coast District is a proud community partner of Verizon. The Verizon Community Partnerships Initiative to celebrate Verizon-supported community organizations and highlight their important work.
July 10, 2011
Farm Photos
This is just a short footage of photos taken at our farm yesterday. You will see herbs, rows of tomatoes, radishes, carrots, sugar snap beans, our baby lettuce that is being grown hydroponically, purple cabbage, chard, peppers, mustard greens, our growing sunflowers, and much more. Enjoy!
July 1, 2011
Why local?
Have you ever left a supermarket frustrated at the lack of fresh, quality produce available?